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时间:2024-03-27 10:51:09 来源:网络cs 作者:峨乐 栏目:卖家故事 阅读:

标签: 模型 








<template>    <div>        <el-tabs v-model="activeName" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick" :disabled="isSearching===true">            <el-tab-pane label="文心一言" name="wenxin">            <div class="kefubox" ref="containerRef">                <div v-for="message in chatHistoryWenxin" :key="message.id">                    <!-- 遍历用户发送的信息,如果role为user就返回信息 -->                    <div v-if="message.sender === 'user'" class="user-message">                        <!-- 用户发送的信息 -->                        <div class="userBox">                            <!-- icon图标 -->                            <svg t="1686817502794" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1"                                xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="3466" width="30" height="30">                                <path fill="#000000"                                    d="M500 128.8c-95.2 5.6-173.6 83.2-180 178.4-7.2 112 80.8 205.6 191.2 205.6 106.4 0 192-86.4 192-192 0.8-110.4-92-198.4-203.2-192zM512 575.2c-128 0-383.2 64-383.2 192v96c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h702.4c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V766.4c0-127.2-255.2-191.2-383.2-191.2z"                                    p-id="3467">                                </path>                            </svg>                        </div>                        <!-- 用户输入的问题 -->                        <span>{{ message.text }}</span>                    </div>                    <div v-else class="bot-message" style="margin: 5px 0px;padding:5px 10px;">                        <!-- icon图标 -->                        <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;margin-right: 10px;">                            <svg t="1686814946576" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1"                                xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="2479" width="30" height="30">                                <path                                    d="M959.716928 554.950208M532.429285 958.838931M64.446801 594.626859M270.969435 57.464783"                 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155.550729l0-293.098431c1.732457-125.304867 124.495432-264.293385 293.822932-264.293385 168.313404 0 261.415848 130.999566 302.464753 247.369947l0 301.380048c-8.28264 19.399839-30.449499 41.206494-70.936609 80.296791-52.819996 50.971905-128.907928 77.414137-128.907928 77.414137-8.844435 1.867534-15.078417 13.68365-12.603039 23.76424 2.475378 10.082636 13.253862 16.136515 21.605064 12.242835 0 0 80.274278-26.195615 140.430356-84.256986C819.492256 769.20392 843.640236 721.763444 843.843874 721.201649z"                                    fill="#000000" p-id="2482"></path>                                <path                                    d="M375.327224 624.215758m-37.46631 0a36.613 36.613 0 1 0 74.93262 0 36.613 36.613 0 1 0-74.93262 0Z"                                    fill="#000000" p-id="2483"></path>                                <path                                    d="M657.294131 624.215758m-37.46631 0a36.613 36.613 0 1 0 74.93262 0 36.613 36.613 0 1 0-74.93262 0Z"        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type="primary">发送</el-button>            </div>            </el-tab-pane>            <el-tab-pane label="通义千问" name="tongyi">                <div class="kefubox" ref="containerReftongyi">                <div v-for="message in chatHistoryTongyi" :key="message.id">                    <!-- 遍历用户发送的信息,如果role为user就返回信息 -->                    <div v-if="message.sender === 'user'" class="user-message">                        <!-- 用户发送的信息 -->                        <div class="userBox">                            <!-- icon图标 -->                            <svg t="1686817502794" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1"                                xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="3466" width="30" height="30">                                <path fill="#000000"                                    d="M500 128.8c-95.2 5.6-173.6 83.2-180 178.4-7.2 112 80.8 205.6 191.2 205.6 106.4 0 192-86.4 192-192 0.8-110.4-92-198.4-203.2-192zM512 575.2c-128 0-383.2 64-383.2 192v96c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h702.4c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V766.4c0-127.2-255.2-191.2-383.2-191.2z"                                    p-id="3467">                                </path>                            </svg>                        </div>                        <!-- 用户输入的问题 -->                        <span>{{ message.text }}</span>                    </div>                    <div v-else class="bot-message" style="margin: 5px 0px;padding:5px 10px;">                        <!-- icon图标 -->                        <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;margin-right: 10px;">                            <svg t="1686814946576" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1"                                xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="2479" width="30" height="30">                                <path                                    d="M959.716928 554.950208M532.429285 958.838931M64.446801 594.626859M270.969435 57.464783"                                    fill="#000000" p-id="2480"></path>                                <path                                    d="M583.719438 385.762901C664.377456 493.897713 810.145377 538.433022 810.145377 538.433022 799.252283 351.240643 687.435615 259.769348 510.411829 258.869862 298.641681 257.789251 175.627996 429.173596 222.010373 597.866646 222.00935 597.866646 580.769246 462.953957 583.719438 385.762901z"                                    fill="#000000" p-id="2481"></path>                                <path                                    d="M843.843874 721.201649c65.939805-16.944927 114.865097-15.887852 114.865097-150.871149 0-65.013713-38.867216-120.714316-93.980441-144.029324C824.128857 272.551466 697.718819 116.236328 507.890402 111.958908c-6.053879-0.135076-12.062733-0.157589-18.004049 0-183.887101 4.724605-309.892933 146.908908-324.069817 311.821865-58.44511 21.626553-102.44216 79.103616-100.462063 146.549727 4.432962 151.456481 66.321498 153.863297 148.712997 155.550729l0-293.098431c1.732457-125.304867 124.495432-264.293385 293.822932-264.293385 168.313404 0 261.415848 130.999566 302.464753 247.369947l0 301.380048c-8.28264 19.399839-30.449499 41.206494-70.936609 80.296791-52.819996 50.971905-128.907928 77.414137-128.907928 77.414137-8.844435 1.867534-15.078417 13.68365-12.603039 23.76424 2.475378 10.082636 13.253862 16.136515 21.605064 12.242835 0 0 80.274278-26.195615 140.430356-84.256986C819.492256 769.20392 843.640236 721.763444 843.843874 721.201649z"                                    fill="#000000" p-id="2482"></path>                                <path                                    d="M375.327224 624.215758m-37.46631 0a36.613 36.613 0 1 0 74.93262 0 36.613 36.613 0 1 0-74.93262 0Z"                                    fill="#000000" p-id="2483"></path>                                <path                                    d="M657.294131 624.215758m-37.46631 0a36.613 36.613 0 1 0 74.93262 0 36.613 36.613 0 1 0-74.93262 0Z"                                    fill="#000000" p-id="2484"></path>                            </svg>                        </div>                        <!-- Tongyi回答的信息 -->                        <!-- <span v-html="message.text.replace(/\n/g, '<br>')"> -->                        <div class="bot-txt" v-html="md.render(message.text)"></div>                    </div>                </div>            </div>            <!-- 输入框 -->            <!-- 输入框 -->            <div class="iptbox" v-if="isSearching===true">                    <el-input class="input" disabled type="text" v-model="userInput"                        placeholder="思考中,请稍等。。。" />                    <el-button @click="sendMessageTongyi" disabled type="primary">发送</el-button>            </div>            <div class="iptbox" v-else>                    <el-input class="input" type="text" v-model="userInput" @keyup.enter="sendMessageTongyi"                        placeholder="请输入要查询的问题..." />                    <el-button @click="sendMessageTongyi" type="primary">发送</el-button>            </div>            </el-tab-pane>            <!-- 图片 -->            <el-tab-pane label="AI画原型" name="chatgpt">                <div class="kefubox" ref="containerRefImage">                <div v-for="message in chatHistoryImage" :key="message.id">                    <!-- 遍历用户发送的信息,如果role为user就返回信息 -->                    <div v-if="message.sender === 'user'" class="user-message">                        <!-- 用户发送的信息 -->                        <div class="userBox">                            <!-- icon图标 -->                            <svg t="1686817502794" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1"                                xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="3466" width="30" height="30">                                <path fill="#000000"                                    d="M500 128.8c-95.2 5.6-173.6 83.2-180 178.4-7.2 112 80.8 205.6 191.2 205.6 106.4 0 192-86.4 192-192 0.8-110.4-92-198.4-203.2-192zM512 575.2c-128 0-383.2 64-383.2 192v96c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h702.4c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V766.4c0-127.2-255.2-191.2-383.2-191.2z"                                    p-id="3467">                                </path>                            </svg>                        </div>                        <!-- 用户输入的问题 -->                        <span>{{ message.text }}</span>                    </div>                    <div v-else class="bot-message" style="margin: 5px 0px;padding:5px 10px;">                        <!-- icon图标 -->                        <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;margin-right: 10px;">                            <svg t="1686814946576" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1"                                xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="2479" width="30" height="30">                                <path                                    d="M959.716928 554.950208M532.429285 958.838931M64.446801 594.626859M270.969435 57.464783"                                    fill="#000000" p-id="2480"></path>                                <path                                    d="M583.719438 385.762901C664.377456 493.897713 810.145377 538.433022 810.145377 538.433022 799.252283 351.240643 687.435615 259.769348 510.411829 258.869862 298.641681 257.789251 175.627996 429.173596 222.010373 597.866646 222.00935 597.866646 580.769246 462.953957 583.719438 385.762901z"                                    fill="#000000" p-id="2481"></path>                                <path                                    d="M843.843874 721.201649c65.939805-16.944927 114.865097-15.887852 114.865097-150.871149 0-65.013713-38.867216-120.714316-93.980441-144.029324C824.128857 272.551466 697.718819 116.236328 507.890402 111.958908c-6.053879-0.135076-12.062733-0.157589-18.004049 0-183.887101 4.724605-309.892933 146.908908-324.069817 311.821865-58.44511 21.626553-102.44216 79.103616-100.462063 146.549727 4.432962 151.456481 66.321498 153.863297 148.712997 155.550729l0-293.098431c1.732457-125.304867 124.495432-264.293385 293.822932-264.293385 168.313404 0 261.415848 130.999566 302.464753 247.369947l0 301.380048c-8.28264 19.399839-30.449499 41.206494-70.936609 80.296791-52.819996 50.971905-128.907928 77.414137-128.907928 77.414137-8.844435 1.867534-15.078417 13.68365-12.603039 23.76424 2.475378 10.082636 13.253862 16.136515 21.605064 12.242835 0 0 80.274278-26.195615 140.430356-84.256986C819.492256 769.20392 843.640236 721.763444 843.843874 721.201649z"                                    fill="#000000" p-id="2482"></path>                                <path                                    d="M375.327224 624.215758m-37.46631 0a36.613 36.613 0 1 0 74.93262 0 36.613 36.613 0 1 0-74.93262 0Z"                                    fill="#000000" p-id="2483"></path>                                <path                                    d="M657.294131 624.215758m-37.46631 0a36.613 36.613 0 1 0 74.93262 0 36.613 36.613 0 1 0-74.93262 0Z"                                    fill="#000000" p-id="2484"></path>                            </svg>                        </div>                        <!-- GPT回答的信息 -->                        <!-- <span v-html="message.text.replace(/\n/g, '<br>')"> -->                        <div class="bot-txt"><img :src="message.text"/> </div>                    </div>                </div>            </div>            <!-- 输入框 -->            <!-- <div class="iptbox">                    <el-input  class="input" type="text" v-model="userInput" @keyup.enter="sendMessageImage"                     placeholder="请输入要查询的问题..." />                    <el-button @click="sendMessageImage" type="primary">11发送</el-button>            </div> -->             <div class="iptbox" v-if="isSearching===true">                    <el-input class="input" disabled type="text" v-model="userInput"                        placeholder="思考中,请稍等。。。" />                    <el-button @click="sendMessageTongyi" disabled type="primary">发送</el-button>            </div>            <div class="iptbox" v-else>                    <el-input class="input" type="text" v-model="userInput" @keyup.enter="sendMessageImage"                        placeholder="请输入要查询的问题..." />                    <el-button @click="sendMessageImage" type="primary">发送</el-button>            </div>            </el-tab-pane>        </el-tabs>                </div></template><script setup>import { defineComponent, ref, onUpdated } from 'vue';import axios from 'axios';import { md } from "/@/utils/markdown";import {ElMessage, ElMessageBox} from 'element-plus';const containerRef = ref(null)//给div绑定ref之后,需要先定义一下,才能够使用const containerReftongyi = ref(null)//给div绑定ref之后,需要先定义一下,才能够使用const containerRefChatgpt = ref(null)//给div绑定ref之后,需要先定义一下,才能够使用const containerRefImage = ref(null)//给div绑定ref之后,需要先定义一下,才能够使用// 聊天历史记录const chatHistoryWenxin = ref([]);const chatHistoryTongyi = ref([]);const chatHistoryChatgpt = ref([]);const chatHistoryImage = ref([]);const isSearching = ref(false);// 用户输入的问题const userInput = ref('');const activeName = ref('wenxin')const AK = ref("HeiEnBprXPDmcFm5wmV0Ak5D")const SK = ref("9ttnTF6jTWmb91XgRI3XQGtcB789Tc6s")const handleClick = (TabsPaneContext, event) => {//   console.log(TabsPaneContext, event)}// 1.可乐,点击发送文心一言事件const sendMessageWenxin = async () => {    const message = {                id: chatHistoryWenxin.value.length + 1,        // 默认发送者设置成了user        sender: 'user',        // 此时是用户输入的问题        text: userInput.value    };        // 将这些信息存入到聊天历史记录的数组中    chatHistoryWenxin.value.push(message);    // 然后清空输入框    userInput.value = '';    try {        // Luck Cola        const headers = {            'Content-Type': 'application/json',  //请求头这里不用改            'Accept': 'application/json'        };        // 发送请求传送的Data数据        const data = {            "ques": message.text,            // 官网-个人中心-Appkey获取            "appKey": "65324c559cfbe9915ead769b",            // 官网-个人中心-用户ID            "uid": "GFUFJU1697795157477R4iSgAXjYg",            // 是否支持上下文 值1表示支持,0表示不支持            "isLongChat": 1        };        const apiUrl = 'https://luckycola.com.cn/ai/openwxyy';        // 获取AI返回的回答        isSearching.value = true        const result = await axios.post(apiUrl, data, { headers })        // .then(() => {        //     isSearching.value = false        //     console.log('超时了:',);        // })        // console.log(result);        isSearching.value = false        // AI返回的所有信息        if(result.data.code === -1){            ElMessage.error(result.data.msg);            return        }        const botMessage = {            id: chatHistoryWenxin.value.length + 1,            sender: 'bot',            // text: result.data.choices[0].message.content // openAi            text: result.data.data.result        };                // 将AI返回的信息存入到历史列表中        chatHistoryWenxin.value.push(botMessage);        // 自动滚屏        setTimeout(()=>{            containerRef.value.scrollTop = containerRef.value.scrollHeight        },200)    } catch (error) {        console.error(error);    }};// 1.点击发送千帆、文心一言事件const sendMessageQianfan = async () => {    const message = {                id: chatHistoryWenxin.value.length + 1,        // 默认发送者设置成了user        sender: 'user',        // 此时是用户输入的问题        text: userInput.value    };        // 将这些信息存入到聊天历史记录的数组中    chatHistoryWenxin.value.push(message);    // 然后清空输入框    userInput.value = '';    try {        // Luck Cola        const headers = {            'Content-Type': 'application/json',  //请求头这里不用改            'Accept': 'application/json'        };        // 发送请求传送的Data数据        const data = {                "messages":[{                    "role": "user",                    "content": message.text,            }]        };        const apiUrl = '/wenxin1123_2/wenxinworkshop/chat/completions?access_token='+ await getAccessToken()        // 获取AI返回的回答        isSearching.value = true        const result = await axios.post(apiUrl, data, { headers })        // .then(() => {            //     isSearching.value = false        //     console.log('超时了:',);        // })        // console.log(result);        isSearching.value = false        // AI返回的所有信息        if(result.data.code === -1){            ElMessage.error(result.data.msg);            return        }        const botMessage = {            id: chatHistoryWenxin.value.length + 1,            sender: 'bot',            // text: result.data.choices[0].message.content // openAi            text: result.data.data.respBody.result        };                // 将AI返回的信息存入到历史列表中        chatHistoryWenxin.value.push(botMessage);        // 自动滚屏        setTimeout(()=>{            containerRef.value.scrollTop = containerRef.value.scrollHeight        },200)    } catch (error) {        console.error(error);    }};const getAccessToken = async () => {    const apiUrl = '/wenxin1123/oauth/2.0/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=' + AK.value + '&client_secret=' + SK.value    const headers = {        'Content-Type': 'application/json',        'Accept': 'application/json'    }    let result = await axios.post(apiUrl, '', { headers })    console.log('result.data:', result.data.access_token)    return result.data.access_token}// 点击发送通义千问事件const sendMessageTongyi = async () => {    const message = {                id: chatHistoryTongyi.value.length + 1,        // 默认发送者设置成了user        sender: 'user',        // 此时是用户输入的问题        text: userInput.value    };        // 将这些信息存入到聊天历史记录的数组中    chatHistoryTongyi.value.push(message);    // 然后清空输入框    userInput.value = '';    const apiKey = 'sk-3e9b56374dc6470dad4d194f811d6feb';    try {        const headers = {            'Content-Type': 'application/json',  //请求头这里不用改            'Authorization': 'Bearer '+apiKey        };        const data = {            model: "qwen-turbo",            input: {                messages: [                          {                        role: "system",                        content: "You are a helpful assistant."                    },                    {                        role: "user",                        content: message.text                    }                ]            },            "parameters": {            }        }                 const apiUrl = '/aliyunc/v1/services/aigc/text-generation/generation';        // 获取AI返回的回答        isSearching.value = true        const result = await axios.post(apiUrl, JSON.stringify(data), { headers })        // .then((response) => {        //     // The response data should now be correctly decoded as UTF-8        //     // console.log(response);        // })        // .catch((error) => {        //     console.error(error);        // });        // console.log(result);        isSearching.value = false        // AI返回的所有信息        // if(result.data.code === -1){        //     ElMessage.error(result.data.output.text);        //     return        // }        const botMessage = {            id: chatHistoryTongyi.value.length + 1,            sender: 'bot',            // text: result.data.choices[0].message.content // openAi            text: result.data.output.text        };        console.log('result:', result.data.output.text)        // 将AI返回的信息存入到历史列表中        chatHistoryTongyi.value.push(botMessage);        // 自动滚屏        setTimeout(()=>{            containerReftongyi.value.scrollTop = containerReftongyi.value.scrollHeight        },200)    } catch (error) {        console.error(error);    }};// 点击发送文心一言图片事件const sendMessageImage = async () => {    const message = {                id: chatHistoryImage.value.length + 1,        // 默认发送者设置成了user        sender: 'user',        // 此时是用户输入的问题        text: userInput.value    };        // 将这些信息存入到聊天历史记录的数组中    chatHistoryImage.value.push(message);    // 然后清空输入框    userInput.value = '';    try {        // Luck Cola        const headers = {            'Content-Type': 'application/json',  //请求头这里不用改            'Accept': 'application/json'        };        // 发送请求传送的Data数据        const data =         {            // 对生成图片的详细要求的描述词,描述越准确生成结果越精美            "imgTxt": message.text,            // 官网-个人中心-Appkey获取            "appKey": "65324c559cfbe9915ead769b",            // 官网-个人中心-用户ID获取            "uid": "GFUFJU1697795157477R4iSgAXjYg",            // 绘画风格 可选值: ['探索无限'、 '古风',、'二次元'、'写实风格'、'浮世绘'、 'low poly' ,、'未来主义'、 '像素风格',、'概念艺术'、'赛博朋克'、'洛丽塔风格'、 '巴洛克风格'、'超现实主义'、 '水彩画'、'蒸汽波艺术'、 '油画'、'卡通画']            "style": "写实风格",            // 生成图片的宽高比,值可选有:"1:1"、"3:2"、"2:3"            "ratio": "3:2"        }        const apiUrl = 'https://mock.apifox.com/m1/3235504-0-default/aiImg/getAiImage';        // const apiUrl = 'https://luckycola.com.cn/aiImg/getAiImage';        // 获取AI返回的回答        isSearching.value = true        const result = await axios.post(apiUrl, data, { headers })        // .then(() => {        //     isSearching.value = false        //     console.log('超时了:',);        // })        // console.log(result);        isSearching.value = false        // AI返回的所有信息        if(result.data.code === -1){            ElMessage.error(result.data.msg);            return        }        const botMessage = {            id: chatHistoryImage.value.length + 1,            sender: 'bot',            // text: result.data.choices[0].message.content // openAi            text: result.data.data.result.img        };                // 将AI返回的信息存入到历史列表中        chatHistoryImage.value.push(botMessage);        // 自动滚屏        if(isNaN(containerRefImage.value.scrollTop)){            containerRefImage.value.scrollTop = 0        }        setTimeout(()=>{            containerRefImage.value.scrollTop = containerRefImage.value.scrollHeight        },200)    } catch (error) {        console.error(error);    }};// 点击发送chatGpt事件const sendMessageChatgpt = async () => {    const message = {        id: chatHistoryChatgpt.value.length + 1,        // 默认发送者设置成了user        sender: 'user',        // 此时是用户输入的问题        text: userInput.value    };        // 将这些信息存入到聊天历史记录的数组中    chatHistoryChatgpt.value.push(message);    // 然后清空输入框    userInput.value = '';    try {        // chatgpt        const apiKey = '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'; // 替换为你的 OpenAI API 密钥        const prompt = message.text;//用户输入的问题  要问的问题        const apiUrl = 'https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions'; //固定的地址,api模型        const headers = {            'Content-Type': 'application/json',  //请求头这里不用改            'Authorization': `Bearer ${apiKey}`  //一定要将变量apikey填写正确才可以请求到        };        // 发送请求传送的Data数据        const data = {            messages: [                // 定义的角色                { role: "system", content: "You are a helpful assistant." },                { role: "user", content: prompt },                { role: "assistant", content: "The Los Angeles Dodgers won the World Series in 2020." },            ],            max_tokens: 100,            model: "gpt-3.5-turbo"        };        // prompt(必需):作为输入给模型的文本提示。它是一个字符串,描述了你想要问模型的问题或提供给模型的上下文信息。        // max_tokens(可选):用于控制生成回复的长度。它是一个整数,表示模型生成的最大标记数量。默认值为 16。        // temperature(可选):用于控制生成回复的创造性和随机性。它是一个浮点数,值越高,生成的结果越随机,值越低,生成的结果越保守。默认值为 0.6。        // top_p(可选):用于控制生成回复的多样性。它是一个浮点数,介于 0 和 1 之间。较低的值会生成更保守和一致的回复,较高的值会生成更多样化的回复。默认值为 1.0。        // n(可选):用于控制生成回复的数量。它是一个整数,表示你想要生成的回复的数量。默认值为 1。                isSearching.value = true        // 获取AI返回的回答        const result = await axios.post(apiUrl, data, { headers })        // console.log(result);        const botMessage = {            id: chatHistoryChatgpt.value.length + 1,            sender: 'bot',            text: result.data.choices[0].message.content // openAi        };        if(result.data.error){            botMessage.text = result.data.error.message        }        isSearching.value = false        // 将AI返回的信息存入到历史列表中        chatHistoryChatgpt.value.push(botMessage);        setTimeout(()=>{            containerRefChatgpt.value.scrollTop = containerRefChatgpt.value.scrollHeight        },200)    } catch (error) {        console.error(error);    }};</script><style scoped>.el-tabs__header{    margin-left: 40px !important;}.kefubox{    overflow-y:auto;    width:95%;    margin: auto;    height:calc(100vh - 246px);}.box {    height: 500px;}.bot-txt{    padding-left: 16px;    margin:30px 0;}.iptbox {    width: 80vw;    display: flex;    bottom: 5px;     padding-left: 42px;    margin:auto;    /* justify-content: center; */    align-items: center;    position: fixed;}.input{    width:calc(90% -200px);}.iptbox input {    width: 490px;    height: 40px;    padding-left: 5px;    padding-right: 70px;    border-radius: 10px;}.iptbox button {    margin-left: 20px;}.bot-message,.user-message {    display: flex;    align-items: center;}.bot-message {    background-color: #ebeef5;    color: #000000;    border-radius: 10px;}.user-message {    background-color: #d5eaff;    color: #000000;    padding: 5px 10px;    border-radius: 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